Cloud computing is a expression used to describe a variety of different types of computing concepts that involve a large number of computers connected (usually) through the Internet. Cloud computing allows users to perform a range of services via an internet server that is based “somewhere in the cloud”, which basically means somewhere else.
Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud based service that provides a complete range of the Microsoft Office suite of programs and Enterprise email. Office 365 provides access virtually anywhere to the familiar Office suite of tools, plus enterprise-grade email and conferencing.
Server Hosting
Tech Solutions Hosting Infrastructure Services provides scalable enterprise network and server platform. In addition we provide complete management of all the services, backups, security etc… so all you have to worry about is your business. And we are local, which means you are not an unknown number in a data centre on the other side of the planet.
Cloud backup
Having good backup systems is critical to your on-going business success. Many small business don’t recover after a major data loss – it is so important and yet amazing how often we find businesses with poor or no backup systems.
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